Thursday, 28 May 2015

San Isidro 25/05/2015 - Tercera Novillada

The view from the sofa, my thoughts on corridas I have watched on TV.
El Montecillo Novillos for David Martín Escudero, Francisco José Espada and Joaquín Galdós.
The final novillada offered another pleasing trio of prospects. Martín Escudero gave us a glimmer of his toreo in Valdemorillo, and is making his tardy presentation in Madrid ahead of his forthcoming alternativa (he was due to appear last San Isidro, but a late injury prevented him from doing so). Franciso José Espada still has our confidence given he excellent performance last year, however, he has flattered to deceive in his previous outings this season – let us hope he can resume his upward curve. Joaquín Galdós carries with him the hopes of Peru. His countryman Roca Rey left a very good impression last week, it would be good news if we could add another American torero to the list of young hopefuls for the European season.
The three novilleros are facing a corrida from El Montecillo (supplemented with a couple of bulls from the Rufino Martín ranch), managed by Paco Medina. The reader might remember that Paco Medina was the ganadero that put El Ventorillo among the leading ganaderías; he is on the road to do the same with El Montecillo.
The opening novillo charged reticently, and when it did, would do so powerfully, with nerve. It was difficult to dominate such a charge. Nevertheless, Martín started his faena with firm estatuarios, he stood still as the animal charged like a train. Tragically, Martín continued to remain impassive as he attempted to link a series naturales and the novillo went straight at him. The novilleros head smashed against the sand and he was left unconscious. A heavy price to pay. Martín Escudero had only shown flashes of his dry valour, I would very much welcome to see him again.
We only had to wait until the second novillo for day’s token porta gayola; Espada lost his cape during the ensuing larga cambiada, but his opening series of veronicas was clean and acceptable. The novillo reached the muleta with a noble and malleable charge. Espada began with estatuarios, which did not suit the bull’s calm charge. The faena improved when Francisco José set to torear en redondo. Although the novillo’s charge did not transmit great emotion, Espada was able to perform three clean and well linked series on the right side. As the novillo’s charge weakened, he structured his faena around isolated passes on either charge and concluded with pleasing figure of eight toreo. The faena was capped with a series of closely worked manoletinas and a full estocada that necessitated the descabello to complete the task. Notwithstanding, it had been a very solid performance by Espada, certainly the best we have seen from him this season.
Joaquín Valdós’ afternoon had barely began when he was tossed by the third novillo during the recibo capotero. The voltereta left him inert and unconscious – a terrible sight. 
Espada was therefore left to complete the novillada single handed. The third animal had little class with a hesitant and ungainly charge. Espada tried to extract single passes from the animal, while working it at a prudent distance from his body. He was loathe to keep the muelta in its face to provoke a repetitive charge and opted to have the the muleta held back and readjust his position after each isolated muletazo. Once Espada had shown his opponent's difficulties, he took the sword.
To show the determination with which he was going to proceed, Francisco José Espada once again headed to the puerta de chiqueros to meet the fourth novillo – the larga cambiada was clean, but the novillo did not allow for a subsequent series of veronicas. The animal was a nervy manso, that charged with strength at Espada’s muleta. Francisco José correctly opened his faena with doblones, successfully channelling the bull’s charge, creating emotive passes. The first couple of series of derechazos were well linked and used the bull’s exciting charge. As this waned, Espada took the left hand, his forte. Although there was less ligazón, the toreo still flowed pleasingly and some of the single naturales were excellent. He structured the faena towards a crescendo and was awarded an ear despite the pinchazo that preceded the estocada.   
The fifth novillo initially had a short and sticky charge. Espada tried to dominate it en redondo with some early right hand series, but was unable to fully control and link his toreo. As the faena progressed, Espada was able to tease longer charges from it and exert greater dominance over the animal. The highlight of the faena was beautifully executed series of naturales, long and silky, if Espada develops into a torero de ferias, it will be on the back of his dreamy left hand. Once dominated on the left side, the bull as completely submitted to Espada’s muleta. He therefore completed his faena was clean and emphatic muletazos with either hand, alternating passes naturales and cambiados. He would have certainly cut an ear had the sword not been low, the petition was certainly in the majority, but it was refused by the president.
Espada headed to the centre of the ring at the start of his final faena – he called the novillo from distance and completed a low and well linked series of derechazos. The emphatic toreo continued with another series on the right side, a chain of stirring passes, culminating in an excellent cambio de mano. Espada continued to take advantage of the animal’s right horn with consecutive profound and stirring tandas. The novillo was difficult on the left side and Espada was unable to extract any passes of note on this side. Although his opponent was fading, Francisco José was able to conclude the faena on a high note, with more pleasing toreo fundamental on the right side and an exciting arrimón that cost him a voltereta – Espada knew that the Puerta Grande was in his grasp and bravely risked to obtain his target. It is a pity that his sword work was poor, once again, because this no doubt cost him another ear.  
While Francisco José Espada will no doubt be ruing that the sword cost him a more significant triumph, the importance of the afternoon showing that, notwithstanding his early season missteps, he continues to be a significant prospect.  

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